Les probiotiques c'est quoi ? - lofficinedumonde.fr

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are live bacteria that provide health benefits to the body when consumed in sufficient amounts. They can be found naturally in certain foods such as yogurts, cheese, kefir and sauerkraut, but they can also be taken in supplement form.

Probiotics impact gut health by helping to maintain a balance of good and bad bacteria in the digestive system. This can help prevent digestive upsets such as diarrhea, constipation, and intestinal infections. Probiotics have also been shown to reduce symptoms of lactose intolerance and Crohn's disease.

Additionally, studies show that probiotics can impact overall health by boosting the immune system. According to a study from the University of Copenhagen, probiotics can increase the number of white blood cells, which are key immune cells that help fight infections (5).

Probiotics can also help reduce inflammation in the body, which is a risk factor for many chronic diseases. According to a study from the University of Turku, probiotics can reduce markers of inflammation, such as CRP (C-reactive protein), in the blood (6).

It is important to note that the effects of probiotics vary depending on the strains of bacteria and the dose used. It is therefore important to speak with a doctor or dietitian before taking probiotics to avoid drug interactions and other potential risks.

In summary, probiotics provide health benefits to the body by maintaining the balance of bacteria in the gut, boosting the immune system and reducing inflammation. It is important to consume probiotic-rich foods or take probiotic supplements to reap these health benefits.