The world pharmacy
We believe that the Earth is a treasure, that it conceals a multitude of natural benefits, and that it is up to us to discover them, bring them to light and share them, while respecting the cycle, the genesis, and those who live from it.

"During a trip to the Middle East, I heard about an ancestral plant with unusual virtues. It is said that it soothes many ailments, that its benefits are so wide that we do not know them all still, and it is difficult to count them.
I then worked with researchers, biologists, herbalists, until meeting Doctor Rita Masoud, a French pharmacist of Egyptian origin, specialist in nigella. Both of us then decide to explore the virtues of Nigella and its mysteries .
We are now certain that this plant will be the starting point of a greater story, which will bring immemorial plants back to light."
Olivier Decazes, Founder of L’Officine du Monde

Since the dawn of time, peoples have come to terms with nature, they have observed it, looked at it, tamed it, discovered it. They inhabited it. They learned to live with what she gave them - benefits, fruits, elixirs. In the cycle of life, it took man many generations to adapt and make the most of what nature could offer him.
From these centuries that precede us, are born ancestral knowledge and a wisdom of the world that we can discover little by little. As long as we know how to listen. As long as we look at tradition with humility and benevolence.

Water, air, earth, fire. We add plants, which are the most accomplished expression of the universal treasure that is nature. In the simplicity of natural life, the wisdom of man has experimented with all kinds of plants. She tested, discovered, sorted, then cultivated, and sometimes she was wrong. But she kept what was best, and she knew how to pass it on with concern for others, which is the secret of civilizations.
We believe in the wisdom of people and that of traditions.
We believe that time, experience and wisdom have enabled man to retain the best of nature. Wisdom of the world and wisdom of generations. Blessed plants.

remarkable plants
Through some mystery, very often, what is good for a particular part of the body contributes to overall well-being. Holistic beauty, holistic approach: modernity has not invented anything.
Also, from these remarkable plants, with food supplements, we will develop cosmetic ranges. For the body cannot exist without the soul, nor the soul without the body.
L'Officine du monde invites you on a journey to the heart of immemorial plants, those which have contributed to the well-being of the people who preceded us.
Nigella constitutes Chapter 1 of our book , before other plants, other ancestral riches, other assets to come.

The world pharmacy
The Earth is a treasure, it contains a multitude of benefits.
Archaeologists of the invisible, it is up to us to discover them while respecting their cycles, their genesis and those who live from them.
The principles that govern us
L'Officine du Monde is drawing a trajectory, with medium and long-term objectives, which
we will realize little by little, as we develop.
See our Nigella-based productsVia exclusive formulas and work on titled assets whenever possible.
Virtuous sourcing
Organic whenever possible. Fair remuneration of local producers.