Nigella Sativa : le remède pour perdre du poids ! -

Nigella Sativa: the remedy for weight loss!

Yes it's possible!

What are we talking about? Nigella!

The seeds of Nigella sativa or Black cumin originate mainly from North Africa and South-West Asia. Black cumin has been used as an element throughout history: namely, it is nutritious, preventive and even curative in certain dosages.


Black cumin can be a useful addition to a weight loss program due to its health-promoting properties, including helping to regulate blood sugar levels and reducing insulin resistance.

But more concretely, what does that mean?

In clinical studies, Nigella was tested at a dose of 2 doses per day over 12 weeks. And here is the conclusion of the researchers. Thymoquinone, the majority active ingredient in Nigella, is at the origin of:

  • Slight decrease in body mass index (BMI)
  • Slight increase in good cholesterol or HDL cholesterol
  • A marked decrease in fasting blood sugar.


But its effects don't stop there. Nigella also helps improve transit, and it is this first virtue that is sought after by consuming countries. And this, thanks to a second active ingredient, Nigeline! This molecule, present in black seed oil, is an active ingredient that stimulates the digestive system. Its consumption reduces gas and helps maintain a flat stomach.


If the Nigella market is growing rapidly, pay attention to the quality of the finished product you buy: Choose laboratories that are transparent about traceability, and above all, interested in the active content!


Finally, the consumption of Nigella must of course be integrated into an optimization of your lifestyle, thus, to accelerate weight loss:


  • Eat a balanced diet: rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats.
  • Reduce your consumption of sugar (be careful of drinks) and fats (be careful of processed products): limit foods rich in added sugars and saturated fats. Replace them with healthier alternatives such as fresh fruits, vegetables and lean protein sources.
  • Portion control: A woman will need 1500 calories per day to lose weight (average need of 2000 calories – calorie deficit of 500 calories) and a man will need 2000 calories per day to lose weight (average need of 2500 calories – calorie deficit of 500 calories).
  • Practice regular physical activity: Exercise plays an important role in weight loss since you will burn more calories and put your bodies in a calorie deficit state desired for weight loss!
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Thirst is sometimes confused with hunger. So make sure you drink enough water.
  • Stress management: Stress can contribute to weight gain. Find ways to manage stress: through meditation, yoga, walking or other relaxing activities.
  • Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep affects hormones that regulate appetite and satiety, which can lead to overeating. Try to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.
  • Avoid excessive snacking: Limit frequent snacking and choose healthy options like fruits, nuts and vegetables.
  • Finally, Hold on! The key word remains regularity! Find support systems such as friends, family and online support groups, share your meals on social networks, and become a source of motivation for others 🌸